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".....Utilizing Traditional Chinese Medicine in Tonifying Energy flow to the Reproductive System Channels In Men and Women for Natural Conception, including Couple Who were diagnosed with Unexplained causes of Infertility...." Chantel M.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Overcome Male Infertility -- Torsion Surgery

Posted by Chantel Martiromo

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Fertility is a natural process to insure the survival of human species. Through natural selection, we produce many offspring when the reproductive system works at it's peak in the suitable environment with plenty of food around. On the other hand, the reproductive system may completely shut down or work at it's minimum state in reproduction of offspring, when the environment is hostile including less foods around, war, epidemic, but regardless of all these factors, most women are capable of conceiving during their menstrual stages before menopause.

Torsion is a condition of testicle injure that causes the testicle to twist away to protect itself inside the scrotum. It can be corrected by surgery and must be differentiated from other complaints of testicular pain because any delay of treatment can cause loss of the testicle. If the condition is left untreated for too long, it may cause shrinking of the test, leading to low sperm count or semen with no sperm.

The effects of conventional surgery
The surgery is required using local anaesthesia in the effected area. With a small incision made to the scrotum, the effected testicle is brought out while and the cord is untwisted then it is observed to see if the blood flow is return by examining it's normal colour. If not, then the testicle is damage and it must be removed. Otherwise, the testicle is secured to the scrotum with some stitches. You may need a scrotal suspensor, if your doctor suggests.
Even though there is no follow up required, but it is for your benefit to check your testicle yourself for the period of 6 hour period after surgery to see if the blood is return, in order to prevent permanent damage.

  Side effects
1. Although, it is rare, it may happen. The unsuccessful surgery for securing may causes the testicle to twist again.
2. Blood may be collected in the scrotum after the surgery as resulting of surgery or blood flow.

1. Risk of infection
2. Swelling because of blood flow
3. Pain
It can be reduced by taking some pain reliever

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