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Get Pregnant Naturally
".....Utilizing Traditional Chinese Medicine in Tonifying Energy flow to the Reproductive System Channels In Men and Women for Natural Conception, including Couple Who were diagnosed with Unexplained causes of Infertility...." Chantel M.

Monday, December 22, 2014

Overcome Female Infertility -- The Diagnosis

Infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse or can not carry the pregnancy to full term. It effects over 5 millions couple alone in the U. S. and many times more in the world, because of unawareness of treatments, only 10% seeks help from professional specialist. In fact, More than 40% of infertility of a couple is caused by female inability to fertilize. Diagnosis is a analytics approach, after initial consultation and medical history and personal information have been taken from a patient or couple. The main objective conventional diagnosis is to find the causes of infertility, but unfortunately, it has less than 1% successful rate.

I. Personal history and physical exams
Female exam
a) reproductive organs infection
b) Any previous reproductive organ surgery
c) Pelvic exam
d) Question related to genetic defect.
e) vagina exam
f) Uterus and cervix
g) Fallopian tube
h) Ovaries
i) Bladder
k) Rectum
l) Other general exam depending to your specialist (herbalist or others.

II. Types of diagnosis

1. Antisperm antibody test
The antisperm antibody test is one of procedure which helps to see how antigens and immune system function react toward sperm invasion through blood test. If the immune system recognizes the sperm as the foreign objects, it will produce white blood cells to kill them.

2. Blood test
Routine blood test is not necessary for infertility women, but sometimes blood test is ordered to check for anaemia, blood type and antibody. Or sometimes to check estradiol, LH, FSH and progesterone.

3. Cervical test
Cervical test is the study of the cervical mucus thoughtout menstrual ccycles and to see the mucus is friendly to sperm invasion or not, there are 2 types of cervical test
a) Spinnbarkeit
With the Spinnbarkit is a self help kit, it can be done by the women at comfort at her own home to exam the mucus characteristics, because the mucus consistently change throughout menstrual cycle.
b) Postcoital test
This test is done just before ovulation to see the cervical mucus is friendly to sperm invasion.

4. Endometrial biopsy
Endometrial biopsy removes some tissue from the infertile women uterine lining to chech for any endometrial adhesion and implants.

5. Hysteroscopy
It is a study of infertile women uterine abnormality by placing a small, thin with small telescope through the cervical canal to check the inside of uterus.

6. Ovulation test
Since failure of ovulation is account for over 25% of female infertility, your doctor may order ovulation test right after first visit. It helps to determine" Are the eggs produced each month?".

7. Progesterone test
Since progesterone is produced with high amount a few days after the eggs has emerged. Low levels of progesterone interferes with the ovulation of women menstrual cycle, causing infertility. Blood test is done at the 4 -9 days after predicted ovulation for women with 28 days cycle.

8. Radioimmunoassays (RIAs)
Radioimmunoassay (RIAs) is a very sensitive technique used to measure concentrations of antigens including levels of testosterone, LH, FSH, prolactin. It helps your doctor to determine that the infertility is caused by hormone imbalance of certain hormones or not during menstrual cycle.

9. Tubul patency test
It is the test to check the health of Fallopian tube and make sure there is no blockage in the tube with X ray examination. Normally, dye is injected through the cervix, it then fills the uterus and flows into the Fallopian tube, if there is blockage, the pressure may build up causing pain.

10.  Ultrasound
The use of high frequency in ultrasound exam is to check for any abnormality in the abdominal region including the ovulation scan which is used to see when the egg mature and when a women ovulates and the thickness of the uterine lining, etc.

11. Urinaryluteinizing hormone ( LH) test
An urinary test is used to identify the surge of LH just before ovulation. It usually use to determine the best time for a couple to have sex and for the female partner to get pregnant.

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